Saturday 1 September 2012

Week 6 - Workshop summary

Hello there, Ryan here,

This week in the workshop we discussed what is reading and how do students know how to read. This falls under the categories of:
  • How to handle books
  • A sense of story
  • Locating known words and basing the understanding of a sentance on these words.
  • Finding meaning in the sentances and their structure.
  • Learning how to self correct and utilizing this in their understanding of sentance structure.
These points were discussed by peers and reflected on, espeecially with the video called Learn to read with India. This showed a young girl reading a story and specified on her self corrections and error of certain words. WHile watching this video, certain aspects discussed in previous workshops were able to be reinforced and demonstrated in a practical sense.

There was also discussion of the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? and how it could be utilized in a primary schooling enviroment.

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